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Kumojahitii Blade Lvl. 1 (Founder Form)

Within the Legends of Saviors series, among the stories told during "The Buntaien Souls," a character by the name of Yenen Gaiabeta wields a incredibly powerful, 2-handed claymore that can only be summoned and used by the Buntaien of Energy (which Yenen is just that). The Kumojahitii Blade, like the other Buntaien weapons, has 3 different forms that can be achieved once said Buntaien learns how to better harness their innate, cosmic abilities. The first form of the Kumojahitii blade is known as the "Founder Form," which has a pretty basic design, overall. Lightning and various other forms of energy can be harnessed through this weapon, channeling it to do devastating damage to anyone or anything it might be pointed to.

An untextured model of the first form of the Kumojahitii Blade

An untextured model of the first form of the Kumojahitii Blade