Being an old sketch and an even older concept, the character known as Fay was once the younger brother of Wajoby (originally known as Jakob Sughes). Back before Jakob was chosen and transformed into the very first Buntaien of the Saro Perspective, these two brothers lived on the southern-most continent of the planet Par'n, living a life of perfected harmony that was known as the "Era of the Walking Gods." As time went on, and every immortal entity succumbed to the "Curse of Mortality," Alax was to eventually die from old age, always somewhat envious of his brother's immunity to this newest affliction to affect the Saro Perspective. Ultimately, Alax's body and soul would be stolen from a certain scientist on a distant planet, and would be used as a host for a future Chaos Warrior that would become the Buntaien's ultimate enemies.
Drawn in 2000.