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Outlast 2 Speedrun Thumbnail | RY Streaming

Speedruns? Normally the Gaming Dojo would never stoop so low as to jump on any bandwagons - considering we create our own damn wagons! - but since we have never done so in the past, we might as well give it a try. Besides, I'm wanting to put us in the Gaming History books, and I have a strong feeling we're about to be cemented into the annals (not to be confused with anal...that was for another stream) of video gamedom. At least a 42nd place for an Outlast 2 speedrun? OH, I think we can do it! Come on tonight and see for yourself, starting at 6PM EST!!

Gonna do our first speedrun in the Gaming Dojo. Here's the thumbnail!

Outlast 2 Speedrun Thumbnail | RY Streaming

Outlast 2 Speedrun Thumbnail | RY Streaming