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RotE Episode 5, Visual Effect #11 - "Return of the Yeti, Part 3"

I used to do Let's Plays a few years ago, and took a long, extended break once I entered college. With my newfound skills with Photoshop, editing, and the like, I thought I'd "REMASTER" one of the more fun Let's Plays, named "Running on the Edge," involving the game "Mirror's Edge." This is a scene/visual effect called "Return of the Yeti, Part 3," where during the Battle of the Ronin, a massive explosion takes place, enveloping the entire set and our esteemed host(s).

Go watch Episode 5 of Running on the Edge [REMASTERED]:

The "Return of the Yeti, Part 3" visual effect

The "Return of the Yeti, Part 3" visual effect within Photoshop video editor

The "Return of the Yeti, Part 3" visual effect within Photoshop video editor