I used to do Let's Plays a few years ago, and took a long, extended break once I entered college. With my newfound skills with Premiere, I thought I'd use it to "REMASTER" one of the more fun Let's Plays, named "Outlast the everlasting," involving the game "Outlast."
This is the very first episode of the edited and REMASTERED version of the Let's Play series "Outlast the Everlasting" with Ronin Yeti and the Gaming Dojo.
"The perils set out before us are immense...one could even say, massive? Massive; like the giant, uncircumcised, swinging cocks of madness that will attempt to perforate every orifice we currently have in our fragile, little bodies. Do we dare solve this latest mystery? Or do we succumb to the most carnal of desires: man's butt..."
OtE [REMASTERED] | Episode 1 Checking - Ourselves In