Being of a satirical nature at its root, "Dogma" is set within a rural town where the ordinary is the norm. The protagonist of the book and his best friend find themselves creating chaos and havoc to help quell the insatiable boredom that grips their lives. Eventually, the protagonist's life is turned inside-out and upside-down, and he must make horrible choices if he wants to stay alive. I plan on creating an audio book of this novel, and also creating a YouTube series with visualizers for each chapter to accompany the audio being read to the audience.
The long-winded image for Chapter 6 - "Versatile Bible" is finally done! This is the 2nd image of the set of 5 previously mentioned, that will appear across the entirety of the novel. This visual is a throwback to the very first image I ever created for the book, over a decade ago, and was originally going to serve as the front cover of WotW. This version of the image is akin to a special set piece one hears about in the church that this chapter takes place; a foreshadowing image that won't be truly understood until the very end...maybe.