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Saro Perspective Conceptuals | Proto Phase

During the conceptualizing phase of creating the "Legends of Saviors" titles, it was imperative to create the planets not just when the players would visit them, but the entire history of each one, as well.

This is basically what the Saro Perspective of the STARCK-5 Microverse would look like during the Legends of Saviors: The Buntaen Souls video game. Taking all of the 5 main planets that the players will eventually visit (accompanied by the 5 Sols of each Sol System, plus the concept of the Core-Star in the center), I placed them in a star pattern, heralding the name of the Microverse they inhabit. The circles with questions marks would indeed be more planets, but during the events of the first game, they will only be seen from afar, but can not be explored. This is after the Walking Gods era has ended, resulting in the mortalization of all life within the entire Perspective, changing up so much of the inner cosmological systems.

The Saro Perspective Proto Phase

The Saro Perspective Proto Phase