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"DDnD: Unsung Saviors" Assets | IOI Icon (Animated)

Using many programs, I was able to craft a simple, yet engaging, digital tabletop experience that would involve a GM and 5 other players, in real time. Every asset therein is created from scratch, using ideas that I have been developing for over 20 years. These specific assets can be found spread out amongst the various maps of each campaign. Typically, the POIs ("Places of Interest" - the golden circles with exclamation marks) help the players unveil a landmark that can help progress the story. The IOI ("Items of Interest" - the silvery-white circles with questions marks) are optional, but very important items that players can obtain, including gear and quest items.

The default IOI Icon of Unsung Saviors Campaign #1

The default IOI Icon of Unsung Saviors Campaign #1