All-ryte, y'all, tonyte is tha nyte! Fin'lly, the Ronin Yeti is lettin' me play muh most favurit vidya in the hole-wyde-world; Cabela's Big Game Hunter, 2000 & 6! I can't wait ta show y'all the amazin' rush of havin' a rabid weasel run atcha at full speed, just ta pull out yor trusty snyper ryfle, an' blast eet's damn head off in one, clean shot! Also, muh 8th wyfe left meh here recently, an' I'm on tha lookout fur a po-tent-tual new one, so Ronin Yeti has set up some sorta "onlyne datin' game," and we're gonna try ta find the NEW Misses Don Ronnie the 8th. I'm tickl'd pink as all-getout, an' hope y'all come out 'round 6PM EST (could be befur, could be a lil latur) ta come see meh!