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"DDnD: Unsung Saviors" Assets | Transpatial Room Control Panel

Using many programs, I was able to craft a simple, yet engaging, digital tabletop experience that would involve a GM and 5 other players, in real time. Every asset therein is created from scratch, using ideas that I have been developing for over 20 years. This specific asset is a still that can be found once players unveil a unique POI (Place of Interest) icon. The Transpaital Training Room is a facility within the RuMa Temple of Par'N, where monks of old and Buntaiens of new (the players) can test their battle skills (among others) that can transform into any type of scenery at a touch of a few buttons on this control panel.

The TTR control panel (with a slight spelling error)

The TTR control panel (with a slight spelling error)