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Koca Kola Klassic Meme

The hypocrisy of corporations and conglomerates knows no bounds, so we wanted to help sink their bullshit ship with our newest, dankest meme hot off the Photoshop presses! Notice the careful kerning of the original letters, the soft edits of the classic font, and the pièce de résistance: the now popularized tagline, brought to you by your friendly neighborhood whistleblower!

Fun Fact #1: Coca Cola was originally created by a confederate deep must we delve into this rabbit hole of retardation?!
Fun Fact #2: Yes, Coca Cola Corp actually told their in-house workers to be "try to be less white" in at least one of their training videos, and was caught in the act.

Koca Kola Klassic Meme

Koca Kola Klassic Meme