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Email Newsletter #9 (Galls-Quartermaster)

In 2018, I had a temporary, freelance assignment that ended at the end of last year had me working in the marketing department at a local merchandiser for military, police, EMT, firefighters, and other similar hobbyists. It's hard to express in text the feelings of joy and purpose I gained from that job, and perhaps it will only be one experience, of many more to come. I guess as long as I am creating with partially-wanton abandon, then I think I will be a happy artist!

One of the last newsletters used in a real email advert

One of the last newsletters used in a real email advert

The first part of the email

The first part of the email

The first middle part of the email

The first middle part of the email

The second middle part of the email

The second middle part of the email

The third middle part of the email

The third middle part of the email

The last part of the email

The last part of the email