Taking us deeper into his own madness, the killer leads us further into the darkness of the local subway and sewer systems (apparently his current home). Demented hobos of all shapes, sizes, and levels of insanity flood the area and we might not be able to keep our heads above the water-line.
I used to do Let's Plays a few years ago, and took a long, extended break once I entered college. With my newfound skills with Photoshop, editing, and the like, I thought I'd "REMASTER" a few of the more fun Let's Plays, this one aptly named "Creeping in Condemned," involving the game "Condemned: Criminal Origins." This is the third episode, of the very first Let's Play series I ever edited many years ago, of the REMASTERED version of "Running on the Edge" with Ronin Yeti and the Gaming Dojo.
Creeping in Condemned [REMASTERED] | Episode 3 - The Subway of Sorrow