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Running on the Edge [REMASTERED] | Episode 4 - Existence Denied

Time is of the essence, and things are getting stranger. The government and its lackeys are hot on our trail, but we aren't running out of steam just yet. If we could pinpoint the reason as to why our sister has been set up, it could lead us to the real culprits behind this conspiracy. However, there are other players at work, ones that would see our existence come to a swift end...

I used to do Let's Plays a few years ago, and took a long, extended break once I entered college. With my newfound skills with Photoshop, editing, and the like, I thought I'd "REMASTER" one of the more fun Let's Plays, named "Running on the Edge," involving the game "Mirror's Edge." This is the fourth episode of the edited and REMASTERED version of "Running on the Edge" with Ronin Yeti and the Gaming Dojo.

Running on the Edge [REMASTERED] | Episode 04 - Existence Denied