Being of a satirical nature at its root, "Dogma" is set within a rural town where the ordinary is the norm. The protagonist of the book and his best friend find themselves creating chaos and havoc to help quell the insatiable boredom that grips their lives. Eventually, the protagonist's life is turned inside-out and upside-down, and he must make horrible choices if he wants to stay alive. I plan on creating an audio book of this novel, and also creating a YouTube series with visualizers for each chapter to accompany the audio being read to the audience.
Chapter 10 - "Environmentally Safe Word" thrusts the reader into the dine in, fast food restaurant where the protagonist works and the rabbit hole that seems to follow. I thought I'd do something different for this visual, wanting to dip into my graphic design experience, and create a realistic, yet "satirical" (it dips into borderline reality) menu for the restaurant in question: "Wellner's." Definitely more text that visuals, most of the work went into the satirical nature of the names and descriptions of the food, and the fine print all throughout the piece. This is meant to poke fun at both vegans and meat eaters alike, considering both tend to eat processed poisons.