Being of a satirical nature at its root, "Dogma" is set within a rural town where the ordinary is the norm. The protagonist of the book and his best friend find themselves creating chaos and havoc to help quell the insatiable boredom that grips their lives. Eventually, the protagonist's life is turned inside-out and upside-down, and he must make horrible choices if he wants to stay alive. I plan on creating an audio book of this novel, and also creating a YouTube series with visualizers for each chapter to accompany the audio being read to the audience.
Chapter 9 - "3-Year Warranty," the first chapter of the Teen Era, is both a recap of the 3 year period between the Child Era and the current one, and is yet another gratuitous chapter dealing with the raunchy sexcapades of the protagonist and his girlfriend. Instead of creating a visual for such an act, I thought I'd show a set piece from the main character's room, visualizing a story using the objects therein. I wouldn't say there is any particular style to this one, but it resembles the same off-put angled, satirical nature of the image from the 2nd chapter, but with a more critical viewpoint of an angsty teenager.